Thursday, October 8, 2009

Not feeling great

Sammy was so kind to give me her cold and it has hit me like a ton of bricks. I cant swallow, my ears are ringing, headache, cough, mouth soars, etc. It is like i have the flew without the fever. Anyways just trying to sleep it off and take care of myself. Kind of difficult but doing the best i can. Hopefully i will get over this before we go to Cali. I was told not to write when we are going out of town, but looking forward to our upcoming trips. It is always great to get out of our day to day grind and see friends.

I'm getting so tired of going to the doctors every day. I get so down and stressed sometimes i want to just give up, but then i look at the kids and think this is so much bigger than just me. If i can keep up with cooking, eating, and 122 supplements per day i do well, but when i slip up then i feel really crappy. I get caught in this vicious cycle and it is so demanding. Then add the stress of home, the kids, etc. and my life seems overwhelming. Looking forward to a day with less doctors, less bills, less stress and more fun.

Sammy has been just incredible. The last two nights Travis has had stuff after work and taking care of Gavin by myself gets really difficult. After a few tears, Sammy gave me a big hug and got me Gavin's boxing bag to take out my frustrations. Although exhausting we had so much fun and had some laughs. She is such a Godsend and Gavin's "I wove you Mommy" just makes my day.

I would also like to ask for your prayers for Pauline Wiggins who just had a stroke. She is the mom of the uncle who just died on Travis' side. She is an incredible cook and is our Thanksgiving grandma. She is such a great person and want her to know she is in my prayers.

Trying to stay strong,


Missy said...

Hi Laura,

Sucks that you're under the weather right now along with battling this crazy thing called cancer. You are such a trooper....stay strong! Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!

KristineRN said...

We "wove" you too Laura!!
G-Force is soooo adorable.

Keep going ARE beating this thing.

Have a great time in Cali!

Miss you, kk

Lowa said...
