Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day Three

Things are going much smoother at Emory and my heart infraction is looking better per the cardiologist. Still need to see the doc about some other heart issue, but the nurse wasn't sure what it was. We are headed to the beach for our annual trip with Travis' family. I love that we are at the beach every year for my birthday. It makes it so special. We also have some friends coming over to stay a few days and our sitter is going so I am very excited. We were just realizing how much easier it gets every year that the kids get older. Sammy packed for herself and we don't need any baby stuff this year, YEAH. We can actually fit the sitter in the car this year. The alternative treatments are going so great. Although I spend about 18 hours a week at the doctors, i have so much more energy than last time. I think i might be loosing my hair, but I'm not barfing so always good things coming my way.

I wanted to thank everyone again for all your donations to help me fight this disease. The bills are out of control, but with all your help they are manageable. Also to all those who did not get a thank you note we did attempt, but about 20 got returned. Please accept our sincerest apologies.

Much love, Laura


KristineRN said...

:) loving the good news!!!

Temple said...

Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday dear Laura...
Happy birthday to you!!!!

And yes, many many more dear friend.

Love you.