Monday, May 18, 2009

Infussion today

As Farrah said, "I get sweaty palms going to the clinic." That is exactly how i felt all weekend. We got to Emory at 8:30 this morning, saw the doctor at 10:15 and of course she was in a rush, spoke with the clinical nurse, she basically gave me a bunch of papers and said read it over and let me know if you want to do the study. I am back to being a number and it stinks. I finally got in to get my infusion about 12:00. I had to take my premeds for an hour and then i got my herceptin. It wasn't so bad, but not my favorite place. We got home around 3:20. Long day for all of us.

I am going to look at a few alternative clinics, but this study may exclude all alternatives. Not happy about that, but that seems to be the nature of clinical trials. Therefore i am going to have to be on a strict diet. Not sure what that is yet, but I am sure it wont include anything with sugar, dairy, fat or meat. The only day i will have real problems with this is when they give me my premeds. The decadron (steroid) makes me so hungry and gives me roid rage. I may have to eat my arm off on those days except that is meat. Oh well!

This study has two trials in this phase. Not sure which one i will be on yet, but i either get some meds everyday or every 8 days. I am eager to get as much in my body as possible, but the side effects include vomiting. So not looking forward to that.

Sammy tested for her green belt in karate today and got an award at swim practice for her cooperation, leadership, hard work, etc. So very proud of her. This is Gavin's last week of school. He has 6 weeks of camp that will help and give Sammy and i some time together. Not to mention time for all my appointments.

I know you all think i am crazy for watching the Farrah story, but it really helped me put my emotions in place. Yes i cried and begged God to save my life, but it also helped me understand why i feel the way i do and go on with everything i have. It is not Farrah i am interested in, but that she is going thru what i am going thru. Just like my support group. It is amazing how a little empathy can really help.

I find out my MUGA results tomorrow and have an MRI for my back June 1. I am hoping it is not cancer, but it would be really nice to know why it hurts so much everyday.

BTW, i don't think i explained this very well, but we never made it to Chicago because they thought i had pneumonia. Luckily i did not and the antibiotics cleared up what ever it was except my back. We will not be going back to Chicago anytime soon because they don't have a trial currently available. I am excluded from most trials because i am triple positive (Her 2+, ER/PR). I know this means nothing to you , but the Her 2 is what makes my cancer so bad. It basically teaches my cells to reject all the drugs they give me. This new drug (RAD 001) breaks down the cells so the Tykerb and Herceptin can penetrate the cells in order to kill them. The bad news is that any Chemo including this one goes after all cells, not just the bad ones. That is why I could get so sick on these drugs. The study should open in the next two weeks and i will keep you all posted.

Thanks for all your prayers


Unknown said...


Julie(t) (Coberly) Farmer said...

BIG hugs

fsuwatson said...

prayers from Jacksonville. Hold on to hope Laura. Remember that God sent Jesus to die for us so that we would not suffer...that includes being sick. By Jesus stripes you are healed! Claim that. Don't claim that you may vomit from the drugs...don't claim that your back hurts (even if it does)...say...Lord WHEN I AM WEAK MAKE ME STRONG! I would love to share more with you and would love to hear from you. Email me or call me anytime. don't need to beg God to save you....he already has. I just have so much I can share with you.

Please call or email me if you want to hear some encouraging!

Erin Watson

annie said...


Met you at Jenn and Brian's on Sunday. If you do any traveling for treatment in the future I wanted you to know about the ACS hope lodges.

There isn't one in Chicago but there is one is Boston....and TX (but not sure how close Lubbock is to Dallas). They are locations for patients to stay for free! (really) if they are traveling for treatment. There is also a program acs has through Mercy Medical airlift for free airline travel for you and a caregiver. I can help you find that too if you are interested...I just wanted you to be aware of the programs out there in case they can help you. I also wanted you to know that I am a big prayer and I'm praying for you and your family. Lion's dad and his two sisters lost their dad the same year their mom was diagnosed with cancer and two years later she lost her battle. James was only 12 and his two sisters were both younger. I think about you and the kids all the time. I wanted you to know I really admire your fight and your spirit. if you want to call me or email me.... 404.664.2354 or
one moment at a time. Annie Misner

Reagan said...

Laura- I'm sorry to hear you have such terrible back pain (in addition to everything else) and that you have been so worried about your children after reading Farrah's story. You are in my thoughts constantly and I hope they can erase this back pain soon! I think it's great that you got a puppers. Riley is going to be very special to your kiddos. Riley also gives a positive place to put some of the energy. Keep positive and stay strong and know that many, many people are sending positive vibes and thoughts your way (prayers too!). Lots of love, Reagan