Thursday, April 30, 2009


All i wanted to do today is crawl under a blanket and sleep. I did sleep for 3 hours while Gavin napped, but since i cant sleep at night...Anyways, i am struggling today. I am tired of planning, organizing, calling doctors, answering questions, scheduling, rescheduling, phone calls, emails, bla bla bla. It makes Chicago look so inviting. I didn't have time to even talk with Travis tonight, but i am having abdominal pains (fullness) and it scares me. To this point i haven't felt sick, but i am loosing my appetite and feel like the cancer is taking over my body. I feel so out of control and telling people just makes it worse. Everyone wants me to do what they think is the best thing and it drives me crazy. Do they think I'm a dip shit??? It is so exhausting and i feel so lonely, like i am doing this on my own. Don't get me wrong Travis is amazing and he is just as scared as i am, but the more we look at trials the more real my mortality gets. I know modern medicine is just trial and error, but these trial use placebos. I cant risk that and nothing else seems to work. I am so anxious to get to Chicago and see what they say (we leave a week from today), but in the mean time i am freaking out. I am trying to hold it together for the kids, but Gavin isn't himself and Sammy tries so hard to keep up her "happy face." I feel so much guilt when it comes to my lack of motherly duties.

I just needed Travis to tell me everything will be okay, but he got home late and we never got a chance to talk. He mistakes my sadness for "bad moods" since i am not very good at expressing myself. If i could only buy a new body with all the money you have donated things would be so much easier.

I have a CT scan and MRI of the Brain in the morning to be sure it hasn't spread to new places, but wont hear for days. Lucky me, wait, wait, wait!



Chanman said...

You continue to be in my daily thoughts and prayers. Please know what you are feeling is so normal. I can't even imagine everything that is going through your head, not to mention how exhausted you are.
Please take good care and know that you are being lifted up by lots of people. Good luck with your scans today.
Cheryl Barto Chandler

Julie(t) (Coberly) Farmer said...

i'm at a loss for words. you're in my thoughts, and here's a virtual hug.

Randomness said...

Hi Laura:

After reading your last entry, I felt compelled to share a wonderful website with you. I have heard only great things about it. They have a great service called YourShoes, which I hope you will find helpful.

From the site: "YourShoes has the country's only 24/7 toll-free hotline staffed exclusively by trained peer counselors who are breast cancer survivors. These peer counselors are experienced in handling all types of questions related to breast cancer, and can talk with you about your feelings and concerns. They will make sure your questions are answered and give you the information you need in plain language. Call YourShoes at 800-221-2141.

Peer counselors can match you with a survivor who had a similar diagnosis or life experiences. You'll be able to talk with someone who really understands your concerns--a woman or man who has been there."

My prayers are with you and your family.

Elizabeth "Liz" Rodriguez

KristineRN said...

:( so sorry you are feeling this way......hopefully this week will go by quickly and you will be in Chicago before you know it.
We miss you, love you and are thinking of you every moment....

Amy said...

i think you've definitely got the right to be sad and angry. i wish i could show up on your doorstep with dinner and whisk your kids off to something fun while you nap. there are so many of us here wishing you the best.

Unknown said...

As someone said before - F**K Cancer - I think of you and your family daily! Can't wait for you to go to Chicago! This blows! Please keep us posted and try not to let all the calls, scheduling, etc get you down (easier said than done!) Pretend your getting paid big bucks w/ a big ass bonus as the CEO of your body - I can print you up some business cards! :) How about :
Laura Vickers
Kicking Cancers Ass

Robert said...


I'm so sorry you (and Travis) are having to go through this crap. You have every right to feel down... and pissed... and the whole multitude of emotions that I know must be running through your head. Things have to seem overwhelming at times.

Remember Rocky when he was getting the shit beat out of him? Well, that's you right now, but the fight ain't over yet. My money is on YOU to deliver the knockout punch!

Stay strong, we're all in your corner. We love you!!


Tabetha said...


You are in our thoughts and prayers. I hope and wish you get some good news in Chicago. I hope you also get some pampering. Thinking of you....


Jamie said...

I can't even begin to imagine what you, Travis and the kids must be going through! Just please know that although we are thousands of miles away that We love you Laura and are keeping each and every one of you in our prayers.
Cousin Jamie & Family!

HAM said...

Laura~I am so sorry I haven't posted here in a while but I check it every day, no joke. Today's blog just broke my heart and I am so sorry you are having to go through this.

I have no words of wisdom or advice, but I have been going through somethings myself and I have been saying the serinity prayer a lot lately. So I have attached the prayer below as it just gives me a feeling of peace and calmness every time I read it. I hope reading it can also do that for you everyday even if it is just for a minute :

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

I love you and never stop thinking about you. I really wish I could physically be there for you....
Love Ham

Tabetha said...

Ham - that was awesome. Laura - I read your blog and my brain left me speechless. I wish I could say/do something to make everything better!