Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Day 1b

Although i felt like running yesterday, about 8 PM the nausea kicked in and it hasn't stopped yet. I am still waiting on the pharmacy to get in my last medication, so hopefully that will help. It is 11:45 and i am still in my PJ's, haven't taken a shower, or eaten anything. Kind of like being pregnant all over again. Will check in later

Laura (Lola)


Mommy & Emma Bean said...

Hey LauraLola,

Hang in there! I'm sure the first few days are the hardest! We are thinking about you!! XO Kim

Unknown said...

Laura, Travis, Sam and Gavin (whom I haven't gotten to meet!),

Stefanie sent me word and the link to your blog. If you guys need some respite care for the kids during the weekend, please do call on me. I can sing a few songs and read a good book with the best of them! I've really missed Sam! Please know that I hold all of you on my heart and in my prayers. You are surrounded by people who love you . . . some of the best medicine there is if you ask me.


Jen said...

It has been awhile - how time flies. I am sorry to hear what you are going through but it sounds like you couldn't be in better shape, mentally and physically, to handle this. Heck you are a Mom, Moms can make anything better! In all seriousness best wishes to you and your family, take care of yourself and let others take care of you too.
We are eating Chick Chocolates in your honor(100% of the proceeds go towards breast cancer research) and will continue to do so :)
Much love your way,