Monday, March 12, 2007

Chemoflage Day 1

Today was extremely long. We started at 8:00 AM with the medical oncologist, Dr. O'Reagan from Dublin, Ireland with lots of questions. Then we met with Tiffany, the nutritionist, who suggested I eat free-range chicken, whole grain carbs, and lots of fruit and veggies. Not too much of a stretch from my normal diet, but no caffeine, alcohol, or fatty foods. Then we met with the chemo tech, Liz, who told me what to expect and all the anti-nausea medication I would be receiving, YEAH! She said my hair should start falling out in about 10 days so Trav and I looked at wigs. The "lola" is the one we liked the best, but I kind of look like I could be strutting my stuff on the corner asking, "looking for a good time?" Might as well have some fun with it. I will post some pictures when Trav and I go officially bald and with my new wig.

At 10:00 AM I had my PET/CT Scan. I had to drink 16 oz of barium and was shot up with nuclear dye so they could take pictures of my insides from head to toe. Wont get the results for a few days. They gave me good drugs for this phase. Trav said I was snoring at one point.

Then finally at 2:00 PM we made our way to the chemo room. I was very anxious, but we had a great nurse named Kevin, whom I can request next time, that will make my experience more pleasant. There was no pain or nausea or anything, although he did give me an IV after forgetting I had a port put in, and he felt terrible for doing it. I came home and wanted to go running (we were told the anti-nausea drugs would make me hyper). I have a tiny headache and have to drink lots and lots of fluid, but so far so good.

Tomorrow I get to have a $6000 shot, hope insurance helps out with that one! It helps increase my white blood cells so I can fight off infections better. I also have to have an echo-cardiogram to establish a baseline to make sure my heart is not suffering too much from all the chemo. This first part of chemo is called AC which you can only have so many times in your lifetime because it will damage the heart. The eco will be later this week.

That is it for now...
Love Laura


Lowa said...

I have about 14 bucks in my pocket to contribute to that shot fund if need be. :) I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that insurance covers it. I'm glad you got through this day without too much trouble. Jackson wants to send you a message now... kk555555555555555555555555555ghggg
In almost 3-year old speak, that means we're thinking of you and "can I have a cookie now?"
Later, Lola.

Robert said...

Just wanted to let you know that you were on my mind all day. I wish there was something we could to make all this easier for you and Travis.

Sounds like they kept you pretty busy all day. I hope somebody slapped the crap out of good ole Kev. Maybe you should do that next time, as soon as you see him... just so he doesn't forget again!

Stay strong. We love you.

Tabetha said...

I must have checked the website 25 times today. I bet Kevin will never do that to anyone ever again. It will probably be first on his check off list. I can't wait to see the pictures of the wig. I hope you continue to feel well. Thinking of you ..........and wishing I could do more.

HAM said...

Wow what a day you have had. Thank you for the update of how everything went. I am glad this day is over for you. I hope you are still feeling ok through out the night and tomorrow.