Monday, July 25, 2011


Thank you everyone for all your love and support the last couple days. 

Services for Laura will be held Monday, August 1st at 1pm at Buckhead Church.  For directions please  go to
A Celebration of Laura will also be held Saturday, August 13 from 4-8 at the home of Pat Stillwell located at 7632 Woodland Lane, Fair Oaks, CA 95628

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The finish line...

Laura lived for 41 years and inspired us all with her courage, beauty and grace. She came in and went out on this beautiful day and was loved by all. She has loving arms around her now in heaven and we will see her again the way we remember her. Love always.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Barfy day

Day started off nauseous. Then got a bright smile. Had to say goodbye to one of my dearest friends of all times. Got a great,Fabulous massage from someone who specializes in oncology. Had an enema and foot massage. Also a fun friend who made me laugh. She read a sweet letter from a neighbor the letter was wonderful and made us both cry. Continuing to violently barf through the day. But in between I have had lots of good laughs and smiles.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Our temple is our body

The Body is a Temple

“It is not good to eat much honey, nor is it glory to search out one’s own glory.” Proverbs 25:27 - Proverbs 25:27

Christianity teaches that the body is the temple of God’s spirit and that we are to take care of our bodies. But gluttony and obesity in America are at epidemic levels, as are eating disorders.

The original intent of those who suffer from eating disorders, mainly teenage girls, is to take control of their bodies by eating less. But, over time, they can become obsessed by controlling their food intake in a way that is similar to gluttony, but with the opposite effect.

There are three main types of these eating disorders:

Anorexia—eating too little or being rigidly obsessed with avoiding perceived unhealthy foods.

Bulimia—binge eating and then throwing up or taking laxatives to avoid weight gain.

Exercise Bulimia—an obsession with exercise without enough caloric intake to replace the caloric output.

Each of these can bring great harm to the body. And like all addictions, whether food, booze, drugs, or sex, the addictions are substitutes for the place of God in the addicted person’s life.

If you suffer from an addiction that harms your body, seek God’s forgiveness and His help. Then, find others who can assist you in achieving victory over the unhealthy addiction.

I read all this and totally agree I just have to say withmy time benign limited all I can think about at this moment is a huge warm roll from a donut chain. I would be so sammy

Friday, July 8, 2011

Timing is everything....

The Greatest Evidence of Life After Life

"Mary Magdalene came, announcing to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord..." - John 20:18

All through the ages, man has speculated about life after life. Dante's Divine Comedy seeks to describe it. Modern medical science has added to the speculation with its study of near-death experiences. Now all kinds of religions offer their theories.

But, the greatest evidence of life after life is in the historical evidence that Jesus rose from the dead. Christianity is the only faith founded by a man who died and came back to life. No other religion makes that claim.

Historical accounts of His appearances to His disciples, and over 500 people at one time, were written within twenty years of the event. His disciples faced martyrs' deaths for refusing to quit preaching of His death and resurrection.
People don't willingly die for something they know is a hoax.

The one thing that would have stopped Christianity in its tracks would have been for Rome or religious authorities to produce the dead body of Jesus. They never did. The best evidence of life after life is the historical evidence of Jesus' resurrection.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Huge News

I weigh myself every single day. I have been loosing significant amounts every single day, and today no weight loss at all. Today we have a big reason to sing and dance like Footloose, Footlooses, kick of your Sunday shoe...


Monday, July 4, 2011

Decent day

We made some big decisions today and I know they made me feel better and I think Travis too. I have actually had so much going through my head I can't sleep and for the most part DeLaura is not quite as influential. Had lots of visitor the last few days, that has been fun and exhausting. My mom got here Friday and leaves Friday and we are enjoying our time thus far. It is a ton of work for her not just taking care of me, dealing with my precious daddy at home, also.

Sammy is off at sleep-away camp and her parting words were, please don't die while I'm gone and she skipped out with her beautiful smile. After last Wednesday she had no idea how impactful those words were.

We are hopeful for a better week with a lot less drama. We are talking with a company tomorrow who offers more 24/7 medical care so I can skip the normal ER and mormal course of action. But can still keep my current nurses for some stuff but they carry the umbrellas behind me until I need them opened and then they do their stuff.

Anyways I'm going to slumber, have a great Tuesday

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 4th of July

What Nathan Hale Did For America

“It was for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” - Galatians 5:1

In 1776, George Washington gathered his troops together and told them he needed someone for a highly secret mission behind enemy lines. A young twenty-one year old soldier from Yale volunteered for the mission. It seemed he was going to be successful, but as he returned with the battle plans of the British, they were tipped off and he was arrested and sentenced to be hanged. The next morning, as he was facing execution, he uttered these poignant words: “My only regret is that I have but one life to lose for my country.”

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Gives me amazing new hope

"I wanted to let you know I am praying for you and your family. My dear friend lost her husband to cancer after a 9 year fight...they have 3 kids. 2 years after her husband lost his fight, her daughter was diagnosed and she lost hers too. She is an amazing woman, by God's grace and so were her husband and daughter. You have an amazing spirit too! Look her up on the CaringBridge website under Hope Herman if you want. Amazing family, as I see yours is too. Knowing her and reading your story has given me perspective and encouragement that I'm so thankful for.

Just when I have a day that makes me think life is to hard, I read about something like this. This women reminded me I can stil fight and nothing is to hard.I welcome tomorrow.