Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Feeling misserable

I was in so much joint pain from the chemo today I was in tears. It is crazy that cancer is caused by inflamation but chemo inflames the body. And they wonder why it doesn't work, go figure


Amy said...

Hey Laura--I hope you're getting some rest from this pain right now. I'm here listening, and I know lots of others are, too. Use us to vent away about this sh*tty time, please!

Chris B said...

I am sorry you are going through the pain from the chemo. Prayin' for ya all the time. We love you!

Cara said...

Hey Laura. I just wanted to say hello and that I am thinking about your and your health. I haven't seen you since we had dinner with the guys about a year ago I guess. Travis dropped Jay off Sunday from their golf trip and I felt like it had been so long I re-introduced myself! I hope to see you at the race and events coming up. You are all in our prayers.

Cara said...

oh, and this is Cara Weaver...it automatically used my blog "boss man" for our little jay as my name I see. I am not used to this blogging stuff yet!

Eve Bralley said...

My love to you Laura. Lots and lots of love to you.

Shannon said...

Hi Laura,

I agree Chemo stinks and does not seem to work well. Shonn is in a similar situation. I think you and your family often. Have you looked into Biotherapy Immunization. I found it online and I am going to ask the doctor about it. I am sure you all ready know since you have been dealing with this a lot longer than we have. I keep hearing stories of people who have stage IV cancer with 6 months to live and they beat it. I hold on very tight to those stories.

Lots of Love,
