Wednesday, February 17, 2010

St Baldricks

Travis is shaving his head again for St Baldricks. If you have not heard of St. Baldricks go to They are an organization that raises money for childhood cancer research. He and I shaved our heads at Fado in 2007 when we first were diagnosed.

Go to to donate to the cause.


Unknown said...

Laura, we are so grateful for your support. Because of men and women like you St. Baldrick’s has been able to raise more than $71 million for new research and a cure. Looking forward to seeing your friend's new look! Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue your personal cancer journey.

Unknown said...


It was such an inspiration to meet you and Travis on Wednesday at The Tradition golf tournament.My Mom is a breast cancer survior, but I lost my Aunt 2 years ago to this treacherous disease.

You have a beautiful family and do great things daily to impact the lives of others. Keep on keeping on!!!

Many blessings,

Vanessa Manley