Monday, June 29, 2009

First Day of Trial

We arrived at Emory at 8:00 AM this morning and first thing was to get an EKG, but they didn't have my orders so I went to another building had blood work and got paper work for EKG and went back to get it done. This made me 20 minutes late for my Doctors appointment, but didn't really matter since they made us wait an hour for just a 3 minute visit. We finally go to the infusion room at 10:30 and got in trial ward at 11:40. There were many issues so they didn't start my chemo until 1:00. We finally left at 5:40. It was a very long day with may "issues" that could have been very bad, but of course they covered their asses and made it out to be nothing. My heart infraction keeps getting lower and lower and the meds i am currently taking and the "issue" today will not help this problem in the least. Travis and i are researching other ideas since my last doctor said i would have to get off these drugs if my infraction was below 50 and i was at 50 today. The current trial doctor doesn't seemed to worried but i am not not sure if she is looking out for me or the trial. Don't have much confidence in these doctors. Two huge errors in 3 weeks. Not good odds. Keep praying that Travis and i can made a decision and then be able to manage the process. Thanks for all the text, emails, posts, etc. It is so nice to hear from all of you.
Thanks again,


Mary said...

You just keep on kicking some a__, girl!

KristineRN said...

Sounds like a full time job and then some. We will keep praying and hope these people get their sh_t together!!

See you soon ironwoman........kk

Temple said...

D___ straight! (seemed like a theme)

So happy you had a great vacation - I hope you managed to eat!

Much love to you.

Lori said...

Laura, I hope you're resting right now. Much love and many prayers for you and your family. I miss you; it's been too long and I'd love to get together even if it just means a short visit at the house.