Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Well we have decided to try the trial RAD 001 at Emory for now. We are still on the look out for other options, but we needed to make a decision. We see O'Regan on Monday and i will start taking herceptin again. The trial opens this month and can't wait for new side effects! Yippee! Riley is still doing great. Sammy is so responsible and wow my pain meds are kicking in again. I need to finish watching 90210 and then i will pass out. My back still hurts, but I am feeling better. Will post soon.



Julie(t) (Coberly) Farmer said...

a trial called "RAD"!? they must have known you were in high school in the 80s.

Lowa said...

I looked at some info on that trial. looks promising. :)