Thursday, February 28, 2008

One year and still kickin

It was one year ago today that I found out that I may never get to see Sammy turn 8 and I am still here to say I beat the odds. I was at my kick boxing class today and hadn't realized the impact on this anniversary for me until my teacher said hi and I lost it, the poor guy. I was sobbing happy tears and just so glad to still be here.

The MRI has been postponed until after my surgery in April, but I do have to have a mammogram on the one side. No worries with that since it is routine for someone my age...

I am really having fun planning the next year. Surgery, another kid, trips, etc. Getting very excited. Also, I am tyring to get a part-time job at our church so Gavin can go to preschool for free and I can get my brain functioning again. I have pregnancy and chemo brain these days. Not a good combo.

Thanks to everyone for all your support, hugs, prayers, wishes, food, etc. this year. We could not have done it with out all of you.

If anyone could say an extra pray for my previous assistant, who is still in college, that she will get through her bout with Leukemia, i would appreciate it.

Thanks again for this year and on to a much healthier one.


PS - Ham I plan to go to a fit camp for my 40th and you are more than welcome and I am getting so excited about our reunion.


HAM said...

I'M there girlfriend---Fat Camp it is.

Here is to a great year for you Laura and everyone else. And I don't know your assistant but I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers as well.

I am still so amazed at how you have handled everything this and I am crying happy tears for you right now as well.

Happy one year Laura~


Temple said...

This one made me get teary too...I have thought about you so often and I know I cannot begin to truly ever grasp what this journey has been like for you. I can say that I have been more aware of my own body, more grateful for my day to day life, and tend to not sweat the small stuff as much and more because of your strength this past year. I think it's all still a work in progress - but then, aren't we all? I still have days where I fall back in to old habits and all...but I'm getting there. I know a lot of women who if -heaven forbid- ever have to rise to a similar challenge will do so with more grace and courage than they likely would have had you not shared this experience with us. Thank you. Thank you for being here, for being strong and amazing and beautiful and funny - I love you! Happy "You kicked it's butt like you said you would" anniversary!

Lowa said...

We're all glad you are still here too. :)

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