Sorry I haven't blogged, but I have been having a great time reading my class of 89 blog from Temple. It is hysterical and love that Dave Roth (my 5th grade love interest) is the main topic. As for myself, I am feeling great. I am still a tad tired and must nap each day, but am able to work out and get back to my old routine for the most part. I have an MRI and mammogram scheduled in March and will let you know the results. We are planning Sammy's 8th birthday and Travis is sending me off for an entire weekend to spend with lowa soon and I can’t wait. It will be the first time since before Gavin was born that I will be away and I so need it and can't wait.
Will sign in again soon
HaHa Laura....glad your getting your kicks at my expense. J/K!
I am soo glad you are doing better, sorry I haven't posted here yet, but have been reading for some time now (thanks stilwell)! I am really looking foward to following your progress and sharing our "secrets" on this board! J/K again........maybe....
I feel like Ham now with all the jokes!
Thanks for the update. By the way, Roth, I didn't know you got around so much back in the day! (This is Laura Stilwell - and I check in with Temple's blog every now and then just for kicks since I know so many of you).
Hi Lauras squared - Laura Stilwell, in the beginning if you sift through older posts it was your brother who was getting harrassed the most but he was too chicken to ever surface and defend himself so we moved on to Dave Roth who has enjoyed every moment of nostalgic glory. Now on to the other Laura - thanks for the blog shout out and I've been so glad you have been a frequent flyer! I hope you two have a great visit together.
I didn't was a total fabrication of the real facts! I was taken advantage of on numerous occasions by really hot/sexy chicks. I can't help that all the girls I hung out with were top notch hotties!
oh, poor Dave Roth, the unwilling participant getting taken advantage of. ha!
Hey Laura---
Thank you for the update. It was great to read this blog. I will keep my fingers crossed for your tests in March.
Laura and Laura, I hope you guys have the best time when you get together. We should all get together though soon and plan a girls weekend.
Anyone intersted in going to one of those camps where you stay a week or two and learn to eat better, learn to exercise and come home skinny?
Anyway thank you so much for the update Laura, and again, am so glad you are feeling better.
Love to all--HAM
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