Monday, September 10, 2007


We had an appointment with the Surgeon today and found out that i have no live cancer cells left in my body. There were some pre-cancerous cells, but that is normal. Therefore i start radiation in 2-3 weeks.

My recovery is fine, but i came down with a stomach virus this weekend and it took every ML of Vicadin we had in the house to get me thru it. The pain from my surgical area was unbelievable and the drainage went from 10 ml to 160 ml. I guess the pressure was even greater than we thought.

Thank goodness for Travis again. He not only took great care of me, but slept on the couch last night so i could get some rest in my comfy chair and would not have to be so far away just in case i needed help. What a great husband.

Sammy wants me to also thank her for all her love and support. She did dishes, made salad, gave me lots of hugs and kisses, and even took care of Gavin when i needed to rest. She is the best daughter ever.

Sammy also wants me to say that Gavin is the love of my life when it comes to little blue eyed, blond, bow-legged, toddler baby boys. (Sammy was appalled when i called him just a baby)

On to bigger and better things


Lowa said...

Yea!! No cancer cells! That's such great news. I couldn't be happier for you right now. Let the laser light show (radiation) begin.

Meredith Croft said...

That is great news Laura! Dan and I think about you often and we are so glad you are doing well. You are in our constant prayers!

HAM said...

That is the best news Laura--

You are a true fighter girl.

YOU ROCK! You have been my inspiration every day, whenever I have a bad moment I truely think of what you have been going through and then the bad moment seems like nothing.

I am so happy for you and your family.

Now we difenetly need to celebrate when you come to town......

Love HAM

jo said...

What abosolutely wonderful news. You have conquered the chemo, the surgery and now look out radiation. You are just amazing Laura. Travis is pretty wonderful isn't he? Of course I could never say enough good things about Sam..what a special young lady and I am just sure Gavin was on his best behavior..he is so precious.

Love to you all...

Tabetha said...

That is incredible news. I am so excited for you and your family. I can't wait to celebrate with you when you come to Cali. You are amazing!!!

Temple said...

I was driving the other day and Hit Me with Your Best Shot came on and girlfriend - I blasted that song thinking about you. your latest news is fantastic! Radiation has nothing on you sister. I second and third Ham & Tab - when you come back to Cali I cannot wait to see you. Hey - we can stop by a bar and in unison say, "Hey Bartender...hit us with your best shot!" Hugs, Temple

Traci said...

Dear Laura I hope you are okay.Could we have a play date some time soon please.Tell Sammy I said hi.I am glad she is my friend.Love Rachel

Lowa said...

I think your radiation starts today, so good luck with that. I'll be thinking good thoughts that the side effects won't be bad. Love you.