Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bye Bye Boobie

This is actually Travis, updating for Laura who is all hopped up on morphine and percocet. OK, so we got here this morning at 9 and were supposed to be in surgery by 1030. That didn't happen. Laura finally went in at around 1230. She was out of surgery by around 430. Both the surgical oncologist and the plastic surgeon said the surgery went very well. We had a really good feeling when Mr and Mrs Clause came in the room before the surgery (picture to follow). Anyway, we are pooped. Laura is expected to go home tomorrow sometime. I will play surrogate author to keep everyone in the loop. We cannot express how much everyone's kind thoughts and prayers mean to us. Thanks once again.


Kandi said...

Hey Girl! So happy to hear everything went well. Sorry it's been so long since I've dropped you a line but please know I am always thinking about you and wishing you and your family the best. LOVE YOU!

Amy said...

Hey Laura, I've been thinking of you since yesterday. Glad to hear things went well! Wishing you and those beautiful kids and husband the best as you recover.

jo said...

I am so glad everything went well and I am sure you all are glad to have the surgery behind you...I guess it was really in front!! Anyway give Laura a hug and kiss for me. I hope you both can get some rest now.
Love Aunt Jo

Temple said...

Laura, Travis & Kids-
I'm so glad to hear everything has been going well & that the surgery although delayed sounds like it went smoothly once it happend. Travis - I have never met you but you sound like such a great man and I'm so grateful Laura has you not only during this time but in her life period. You are equally blessed to have Laura (as I know you know). She just rocks! I hope your recovery is a piece of cake darlin...
Temple & Family

Mary said...

Hey girl, glad to hear everything is going well. I will have a margarita tonight in honor of you!