Monday, June 25, 2007

Feeling Better

Although i am still dealing with the same crap, i am coping much better. It was nice to vent and share my thoughts. Everyone has been very supportive. I only have 4 more sessions to go and i cant wait to have a Margarita.

We saw the plastic surgeon and along with my new boob, i get a lift on the other side and they use the fat from my stomach and butt if needed. So i get a new boob, lift, tummy tuck, and possible lipo. I am not the plastic surgery type, but when given lemons, might as well make lemonade...

Talk to you all soon


jo said...

Well darn's about time you got a few "perks" out of this ordeal. I am so glad you are feeling some better. I can't wait to see you all when you pass through going to Ft Myers. I am sure you will be more than ready for a little fun and sun.

Love you and hug Travis, Sam and Gavin for me.

JANICE said...
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JANICE said...

Did you say MARGARITAS?!! Now we're talking! Beat this damn thing and let's get down to some serious drinking! But seriously, hang in there sister!! You should know while the rest of us are complaining about long days at work, traffic, whining kids, messy houses, etc., you have legit complaints that actually deserve venting. And hallelujah for the perks!! Lemonade, lemonade, lemonade...bring on the lemonade, well, and maybe add a little vodka. Hang Tough New Kid on the Block! Love you!!!

Kandi said...

Hey Laura! I am so sorry it has taken me so long to write to you. I want you to know that I think about you all the time and I am praying for you and your family. You are truely amazing! Take care and stay strong. And Laura, if there is EVER anything I can do to help my other car is a plane and I can come on short notice! I love you and miss you :~)