Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hospital visit #3

Last night at the clinic I was feeling great, was ready to eat lunch, but when I went to sit up, all the fluid from my belly took up so much abdominal space I couldnt breath. We were on our way back to the ER but I could not go that far with out oxygen. I don't panic but I was a little nervous to be without oxygen for a 40 min drive during rush hour. We thought of ambulance, oxygen cartridge, etc. Our AWESOME home health nurse ordered the cartridges but the rush time was 4 hours. We finally figured it out, got to the ER, got expedited to our old room, our old nurse but got an awesome new doc who is 8 months pregnant so she totally sympathized with my lack of abdominal space, So I had a CT and x-ray and this morning I am having an ultra sound. They think I have so much fluid around my belly that it is pushing on my lungs and that is why I can't breath. I literally looked at the doc with my belly bulging from my shirt and said "ya think" that is when we started comparing bellys. Any who I'm hoping we get the abdomen drained early this morning and go home. I miss my kiddos and Sammy and I have a wedding to plan. Latter gators

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